IT wage portage for the management of your contracts, payslips and invoicing in Luxembourg

Wage portage turns out to be a very interesting solution when you want to work in Luxembourg in the IT field. Indeed, the country offers many opportunities in this sector of activity and companies are in constant search of qualified profiles: web developers, data analysts, project managers, scrum masters, system administrators … The needs are constantly increasing and many positions remain to be filled.

Halfway between the status of entrepreneur and that of employee, the IT salary portage at Selkea offers you a very good compromise between the two profiles with many advantages. In addition to choosing your fees, your assignments and your schedules, you will be able to delegate all of your administrative obligations to us and focus exclusively on developing your business and prospecting for new customers.

Le portage salarial informatique, un contrat tripartie entre le freelance, son client et la société de portage

Wage portage: the independence of a freelancer, the advantages of an employee

Wage portage is a contractual relationship between three parties. The employee (known as a ported employee) signs an employment contract with a wage portage company, then performs a service on behalf of a client company.

The employee himself negotiates the terms of the contract with his client (fees, schedule, special conditions …) It is then the wage portage company which invoices the client, then pays the employee a remuneration from which it subtracts a commission.

The worker is therefore an employee of the umbrella company for the duration of his assignment. As such, he receives remuneration and payslips, while contributing for his retirement or for unemployment. His contract ends once his mission is completed for the client.

IT wage portage: the solution for managing your payroll and invoicing in Luxembourg

Administrative management is a time-consuming and very often tedious task for an IT freelancer. In addition to mastering payroll and invoicing software, you will have to comply with a serious watch from a legal and regulatory point of view (accounting lines, contribution rate, labor law …) This will certainly require you to enter in contact with various interlocutors (CCSS, CNS, administration of direct contributions, lawyers …) in order to find the reliable and relevant information you need. Between e-mails, phone calls or meetings at reception centers, you risk wasting precious time, while undergoing additional and unnecessary stress.

The management of administrative and accounting tasks, in addition to the time it requires, represents a considerable mental load for a freelance worker in IT. Why not get rid of it and entrust it to specialists?

Thanks to IT salary portage, you choose to outsource and entrust us with the management of your payroll and invoicing for your freelance missions in Luxembourg. You will thus save time and money and concentrate on your business and the development of your company. We take care of all the administrative formalities: social and tax declarations, drafting of the employment contract, invoicing, payslips … You will also benefit from tailor-made packages adapted to your income and aspirations: meal vouchers, telephone, training … your package is fully customizable. With 15 years of experience in Luxembourg, our professional team will be at your disposal and will guide you throughout your project. You will get a quick answer by phone or email to all your questions, and you will save precious time.

Wage portage is aimed at all IT freelancers with clients in Luxembourg

Who are our portage wage offers aimed at?

You are an IT freelance residing in Luxembourg and wish to invoice a mission in Luxembourg

You are a self-employed cross-border worker (Germany, Belgium, France) and wish to invoice for a mission in Luxembourg

You are a European self-employed worker and wish to invoice a mission in Luxembourg

Although adapted to all independent Luxembourgish or European entrepreneurs in IT, our services are reserved for people wishing to invoice assignments in Luxembourg only. It will not be possible for you to deal with clients outside Luxembourg because we do not wish to act as an offshore company.

Being an employee at Selkea: how does it work?

Step 1: You negotiate with your client

For this first step, you negotiate directly with your client the different terms of your contract: duration, pricing, schedules... You are completely autonomous and free in your choices, and are the sole owners of your customer portfolio.

Step 2: You contact Selkea

Once the mission has been negotiated with your client, you contact Selkea to entrust us with the administrative details. We take care of registering you as a Luxembourg worker in accordance with local legislation, then we draft your contract. This is a three-party contract: you are bound by an employment contract with our company Selkea, and we sign a commercial contract with your client in order to set the framework for your mission.

Step 3: You carry out your mission

We provide you with professional liability insurance throughout the duration of your contract, included in our management fees. You are thus covered and can work serenely. You also benefit from a cash advance on salary and the management of your payslips by Selkea. The amount of our commission is 6% of your turnover. You are paid each month without having to wait for the balance of the invoice by your client at the end of the contract.

Step 4: End of contract

Selkea takes care of the final administrative formalities (end of contract, tax form, etc.) and takes care of invoicing your client. He is fully satisfied with your work and will not hesitate to call on you again. For your part, you have been able to devote yourself to your mission with a free mind and have optimized your time by outsourcing the administrative formalities.

Porting for an IT freelancer: between flexibility and security

By becoming an employee at Selkea, you retain the flexibility of a freelance entrepreneur. You continue to prospect your customers in complete autonomy, you define your price list as well as your service offer, and you negotiate all the terms of your mission. Your clients belong to you and you manage your portfolio in total independence. Our company only intervenes on the administrative part when drafting contracts, establishing payroll at the end of the month and invoicing.

Working in wage portage gives you the same rights as a traditional employee and you benefit from full social protection: edition of payslips, affiliation to the traditional social security scheme, right to unemployment and contributions for retirement, mutual and health insurance, civil and professional liability insurance throughout your assignment as well as training rights. You will thus be able to develop your skills and complete your offer in order to reach new customers.

4 practical examples to illustrate wage portage

Philippe, French cross-border freelance worker, has been working as a portage company for several years in Luxembourg


33 years old, single without children
French border

Philippe invoices 36k € per year to his client.
He would like to have restaurant tickets, as well as a telephone with a Luxembourg mobile plan

monthly net

€ 2,600 per month

Simulate my salary
Lucie, independent Belgian IT specialist, wants to focus on her activity


28 years old, as a couple with 2 children
Belgian border

Lucie's annual turnover is 50k €.
She wants to improve her skills and is looking for training.

monthly net

€ 3,400 per month

Simulate my salary
Léo, independent in Luxembourg, outsources its management of payslips and contracts


37 years old, as a couple with 1 child
Luxembourg resident

Léo achieves a turnover of 80k € per year.
He likes nice cars and would like a company car as well as restaurant tickets.

monthly net

€ 5,300 per month

Simulate my salary
Stefanie, Luxembourg freelance, benefits from the advantages of wage portage in Luxembourg


31 years old, single without children
Luxembourg resident

Stefanie has an annual turnover of 120k €.
His trips require a company car, meal vouchers, the purchase of a new computer and a Luxembourg mobile phone.

monthly net

8,500 € per month

Simulate my salary

Entrusting the management of your payslips and invoices to a portage company: what are the advantages?

As a freelancer, taking care of your invoicing and payslips yourself will take time and money. This is a time consuming task that requires energy and a solid knowledge.

Along with the initial investment in payroll software and the training time required to master the entire process, you’ll need to make sure you stay up to date so you don’t miss out on a new law or regulation. It means less time and less budget for your business and your business.

By choosing Selkea to outsource the management of your payslips and invoices, you control your costs and know exactly the amount you will receive for your mission. No surprises or hidden costs! We charge a commission for each mission invoiced, and return the remainder of the sum net to you, the tax deduction having already been made at source.

The other interesting point is that you do not have to pay for professional liability insurance, which is our responsibility and included in our packages! You also save on the cost of starting your business as well as the cost of renting office space, since you are not required to create a company. You start your activity with confidence and free of charge, ideal for moving forward with a light mind!  

Are you a freelance, you want to get contracts in Luxembourg but you have not yet set up a company? You just might not want to create one. Good news  ! Working with Selkea will save you all these steps!

In effect, you are working on behalf of the Selkea company, which invoices your client. This is a three-party contractual relationship between you, your client and Selkea. You benefit from the advantages of freelancing by choosing and negotiating your contracts freely, while benefiting from the advantages of an employee (pension contributions, unemployment rights, etc.) There is therefore no risk of personal bankruptcy.

Time is your most precious resource, and it would be a shame to waste it unnecessarily on administrative tasks and procedures. Save your energy for your business, we manage all your formalities! 

In addition, you benefit from a monthly salary advance, making it easier to manage your cash flow. No need to wait until the end of your assignment to be paid by your client, you can work peacefully in the best conditions. Our professional liability insurance also covers you for the duration of your contract.

If you decide to manage your invoicing and payslips yourself, you will be in contact with different people. You won’t necessarily get the answers you expect and will waste your time getting the reliable information you need.

With Selkea, you benefit from personalized and simplified follow-up. Negotiate your contract directly with your client, we take care of all your administrative formalities (registration with organizations, contract, invoices, payslips, etc.). If you have a question, you will get a quick answer by email or phone.

Selkea provides you with flexible and transparent services. You can opt for a personalized package that you will adapt according to your income. Let us know your aspirations and we will present you the solutions adapted to your situation.

Vehicle leasing, catering vouchers, mobile phone or even laptop, you will be able to compose your tailor-made package as close as possible to your needs.

With more than 15 years of experience in Luxembourg, our payroll and billing management specialists will advise you throughout your mission. Do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone, we are at your disposal to facilitate all of your procedures and avoid administrative hassles.

Trusting Selkea for your administrative management and billing is the assurance of always being in compliance with the legislation without worrying about legal developments.