IT solutions and services in Luxembourg

Selkea is aimed at companies wishing to develop their IT solutions and systems, wishing to launch an IT project or facing a technical problem. We wish to bring you concrete and flexible solutions, in order to allow you a fast and optimized implementation. Our team of enthusiasts has the experience and expertise to advise and guide you throughout your project, from implementation to delivery.

We offer consulting solutions that can be useful to you in particular when your company does not have the necessary skills internally, and wishes to outsource a service. We also offer solutions for securing your systems and infrastructures, as well as a full range of solutions for backing up and protecting your data locally, outsourced or hybrid. Finally, our consultants support you in the realization of your IT application projects and the deployment and maintenance of platforms.

Benefit from experienced IT consultants

Consulting at the service of your IT projects

As a business leader, do you want to transform your activities by combining simplicity and agility, while reducing your service and operating costs? We offer you a partnership model based on the outsourcing of business processes, and support you in the realization of high added value projects thanks to the high potential of our technical teams: developers, IT security experts, cloud specialists, network system administrators , project management assistance, middleware architects …

Choosing consulting means hiring a recognized specialist in his field who will be able to advise you and offer you new approaches in order to solve problems, especially when the company does not have the necessary skills. It is also being able to count on the objectivity of a person independent of the company, free from any commitment and personal interest, in order to make the right decisions. Finally, the availability and responsiveness of our consultants will allow you to carry out your projects as quickly as possible and within your budget, while guaranteeing you impeccable quality.

Ensure the security of your systems and infrastructures

Computer data is at the heart of the functioning of a company, and attacks targeting it are more and more frequent, sometimes with disastrous consequences (leakage of sensitive data, loss of turnover …) System security information and infrastructure is a major issue for companies today, in order to maintain the confidence of users and customers. The objective is to guard against any intrusion, degradation or theft of data by a malicious element.

In its January 2019 study “Cybercrime in 2019: Impact and Opportunities” published at the Davos Forum, Accenture predicts that cybercrime could cost global businesses $ 5.2 billion over the next five years.

Selkea supports you in your security approach and shares its expertise with you thanks to a multidisciplinary team adapted to your sector of activity. We offer you a full range of services and guide you through a set of best practices and methodologies, in order to support you in your developments: audits, studies and technological validations, assistance to Project Ownership (AMOA), design of ” specific architectures, support for technical teams, implementation of security solutions …

Take advantage of powerful cloud backup services for your data

Offer you backup and protection solutions for your data

A company handles and stores a large amount of computer data: contracts, financial documents, customer listings, internal processes, etc. This often sensitive data is not immune to malicious acts (cyber attacks) or a computer crash, leading to sometimes disastrous consequences: work interruption and drop in productivity, financial losses, degraded reputation and bad image with customers and partners. It therefore appears essential to set up backup solutions in order to be able to restore your data quickly in the event of a disaster.

The offers offered by Selkea allow you to work serenely without worrying about the technical and operational set-up, managed by our teams. After having carried out a complete audit of your technical infrastructure and your information system, we will offer you a data backup and security strategy appropriate to your needs. Whether it is a local, outsourced (cloud) or hybrid backup, we will support you throughout the process to allow you to keep your data safe.

Realization of IT infrastructure and application projects

Our employees are able to support you in your infrastructure projects, with Red Hat experts. By offering you the Red Hat Satellite solution, you will be able to manage your entire infrastructure from a single console. Also discover real-time automation and visibility tools like Splunk, which will help you transform your IT operations.

On the application side, we are working on high-performance and robust open source products suitable for projects of all sizes: database management with MySQL and MongoDB, Apache and NGINX servers … Our team can also ensure the deployment and maintenance of Java platform (Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic). Do not hesitate to contact us to obtain a personalized answer concerning the realization of your project.