Instead of becoming self-employed or micro-entrepreneurs , a growing number of freelancers are now attracted to wage portage . This solution has many advantages. Halfway between employment and entrepreneurship , wage portage combines the advantages of these two statuses. It allows an independent external to exercise his activity in complete autonomy , while benefiting from an employment contract and the social coverage of the status of employee .
Whatever your sector of activity , organizational consultant , web developer , digital planner, recruitment expert or many others, you can become a focused employee .
Discover the advantages of wage portage when you are freelance :
Reminder on Freelance wage portage
Introduced into the French Labor Code in 2008, wage portage is a new form of professional organization located at the crossroads of wage labor and entrepreneurship. Concretely, it is a contractual relationship between three protagonists:
* The employee carried: it is a freelancer who seeks his missions carried and carries out them in an autonomous way.
* The umbrella company : this is the organization that hires the employee being carried and pays them a salary according to their performance.
* The company-client : it can be a private company, a public organization or an individual.
By choosing this tripartite relationship , the freelancer signs an employment contract, on a permanent or fixed -term contract, with the portage company . This spares him the creation of a business . He is in charge of finding his own clients and finding assignments , as when he is a freelance auto-entrepreneur . He freely negotiates the framework of the mission as well as the remuneration of a service with his prospects. When he has unearthed a mission, a commercial contract is established between the portage company and the client company . He then receives a payslip at the end of each month.
The advantages of Freelance wage portage
Opting for the wage portage status is interesting for a freelance consultant since its advantages are numerous :
- Take advantage of the autonomy of freelance status
The carried consultant benefits from great flexibility . As a self- employed person , he is free to choose the conditions for carrying out the assignments, in particular the number of days per week he wishes to work, the hours and the place of performance. He sets his own prices. He decides to collaborate with the client companies of his choice and to carry out assignments that he deems appropriate to his needs. In summary, the use of wage portage allows him to create a good balance between personal life and professional obligations.
On the other hand, wage portage allows an independent consultant to develop their skills in two ways. He can diversify his missions in order to broaden his knowledge or use your CPF to discover another area of expertise or to consider a retraining.
- Benefit from the optimal security of employee status
By signing a portage contract for a fixed or indefinite period, independent consultants are covered by the extensive salary protection granted to traditional workers. In addition to receiving a monthly salary , they also enjoy the following benefits :
* Social protection : reimbursement of health costs, daily allowances, etc.
* Unemployment insurance: unemployment benefits, assistance with returning to work, etc.
* A pension contribution through a deduction of social charges operated by the umbrella company.
He can also benefit from paid holidays . The latter are governed in the same way as for the wage earner. Thus, he is entitled to 2.5 days of paid leave per month of actual work with a limit of 30 working days after one year of work.
- Reduce administrative tasks
Thanks to wage portage, the IT freelancer has the chance to start his independent activity quickly and easily. As soon as he has found a mission, he contacts the wage portage company to establish the service contract and can start his tasks as soon as possible. He is also freed from all the time-consuming administrative procedures , which are taken care of by the wage portage company, namely:
* Customer billing ;
* Managing your cash flow;
* Affiliation to the various social organizations: URSSAF , pension funds, health insurance, etc. ;
* Social and tax declarations;
* The payment of taxes and duties…
- Join a network of experts as a freelancer
By subscribing to a competent wage portage company , you are accompanied by a commercial and administrative adviser who accompanies you in the development of your professional activity . You also join a dynamic network of independent consultants, international consultants and autonomous experts. This environment gives you access to various networking events that allow you to expand your professional contacts. Result: you easily obtain offers of assignments and you reach many more client companies . Indeed, some large accounts appreciate that their service providers are in wage portage, in order to guarantee their professionalism and the management of the mission.
Thus, the freelance wage portage solution is very advantageous for the self- employed . You remain free in the organization of your work while benefiting from social security coverage in the same way as any employee. You can also focus fully on your clients and your missions by delegating all administrative tasks to the wage portage company. To boost your business, don’t hesitate to become a supported employee!